Chuck Versus the Role Models iPad recap

Tonight I’m trying out a new experiment to try to blog live on TV shows. If this works, I will obviously be right on time getting blogs out. The bad news is I have to type it up on my iPad. OK, that’s not really a problem.

Swoosie Kutz and Fred Willard guest star in this weeks episode of Chuck. Apparently the characters are legendary in the history of the CIA, and because they have been married for most of that time, the general believes Chuck and Sarah can learn a great deal from them.

Of course, we realize from the start that this couple hardly qualifies as role models for anyone. The tension is thick from Chuck’s apartment all the way to the bad guy’s house. And though our favorite couple were supposed to just observe, after Mrs Turner falls down in a drunken stupor, and her leering husband hurts his back to try to help her, it’s up to Chuck and Sarah to retrieve the software.

I really liked the sequence comparing Chuck and Morgan’s different stealth moments, naturally Morgan fails but the taller man has had a little more spy training and experience and succeeds without needing to shoot the tiger.

But alas, all is not what it seems. The Turners stop Chuck and Sarah, and taking the collar. You know what I love about Chuck is he acts like the female part of the relationship. Wanting to clean when he’s nervous is so very cute. I really hope the couple remains together at least for these last few episodes.

But if the signature couple is happy, we have to have angst elsewhere. I smell a triangle coming with Ellie and Awesome. Justin appears to be his own version of awesome. On this show looks are so deceiving. I bet we find out he’s a double agent later.

Wow, Swoosie does not look good in HD. I have a question, how did Otto know where Chuck lived? Oh the good ol’ tracking device. Hee, and they have no weapons. Had to know that was a bad idea. There sure are a lot of doors in Chuck’s place.

I swear that tiger looks small. Fully grown, my ass. Awwww, Morgan gets a slow-mo sequence. I do think the Turners coming back is a little too easy but the writers had to come up with these episodes quickly. And after all the angst from agent Superspy, I’m all fine with the rather cheesy but feel good ending of this episode. Next week’s looks like a doozy.

2 thoughts on “Chuck Versus the Role Models iPad recap

  1. Live blog. You go girl. I liked the epi, though not nearly as much as last weeks. Casey/Morgan are becoming quite the pair. I knew that doctor guy was too good to be true. I don’t know what he did to Awesome but I are not happy. Loved Fred and Swoosie of course. They were great. And Chuck and Sarah were cute. I think they will remain together through the season 🙂

  2. Yes. I am the awesome.

    Last weeks was better but always glad to see Fred and Swoosie. Morgan and Casey are really quite fun to watch, much more than Chuck and Morgan.

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